

Below is the Sapcote Good Neighbour Scheme Consitution. This sets out our fundamental principles and to establish precendents according to which our organisation be governed by.

Name of Group

The name of the organisation shall be the Sapcote Good Neighbour Scheme hereafter called the Group.


The purpose of the group shall be to:
Provide short term help to the residents of Sapcote, including transport, domestic support and household assistance, by the use of local volunteers. The group shall also endeavour to encourage self help, friendship and neighbourliness within the local community. Ensure that as far as possible, projects are carried out in line with the wishes of the community.

Membership and Officers

Membership of the group shall be open to any member of the community who wishes to join. Chair, Secretary and Treasurer shall be elected from within the group. A quorum shall be any (4) regular members of the group.


Shall be held on a regular basis and shall be well advertised and open to the whole community. Minutes shall be taken of all meetings and made available to all members of the group and if requested by members of the community.

Changes to the constitution

Changes to the constitution can be made on application to the officers of the management group by any four unrelated members of the group and should be ratified at an open meeting attended by a quorum of the group members.


The treasurer shall:
• Open a bank account in the name of the group with two unrelated signatories.
• Keep accurate records of transactions and provide such records for annual audit as required, making specific records for funding secured.
• The financial accounts will be presented to the Parish Council annually and available to the community to view in public places annually.